Pilots´ strike forces Finnair to cancel 140 flights on Monday


Pilots´ strike forces Finnair to cancel 140 flights on Monday

National flag carrier Finnair decided to cancel about 140 flights on Monday, on the first of strike enforced by the Finnish Air Line Pilots' Association.

Finnish Pilots’ Association (The Suomen Lentäjäliitto) and Finnish commercial pilot association (Suomen Liikennelentäjäliiton (SLL) called strike on December 9 and December 13 protesting against the austerity measures and demanding a new collective agreement.

Earlier on November 23, Finnair decided to cancel about 300 flights on December 9 and December 13 due to the strike.

About 150 flights scheduled for December 13 were also cancelled.

The strike will also hamper some flights before and after the strike days and the strike is feared to impact about 33,000 Finnair passengers.

  •  Strike
  •  Cancels
  •  Finnair
  •  Flights

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

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